Saturday, March 3, 2012

Feb 2012

This month flew by and we even had an extra day!

The first major snow fall of the season (about 18")

This how we started out the month though, barefoot and playing in the sandbox...

Ice Castles. Silverthorne, CO. 
I think this is what some people think we live with in Colorado. This is deep into the Rockies and man made. Very cool! No pun intended.

This is how Anna Kate likes to shop.

Uncle Mick came to visit. It was short but very sweet!
We went to Rocky Mountain National Park... Still never get use to its beauty!

Steven always finds time to spend with the girls.

Jan 2012

January 2012. Just a glimpse. I need to get back on the blog again... Facebook takes up a lot time that I would spend blogging. Shame on me!

Last few days in Ruston, LA with wheelbarrow ride from Papa.

LSU season finishes a great season!

 Weekend visit to Cousin Anna and Giovanni's mini farm. If you could see AK's face up close she is screaming about taking this picture. Both girls really did have a great time, I promise.

The Elk are back! There are the black dots. They roam the open space behind our house.

Steven had to go to Dallas for work. This is one of the famous sites from the assassination of President Kennedy, the "Grassy knoll". You would think it would be more sophisticated than this wimpy sign.