John Paul loves on his cousin Anna Kate
(what is with the double naming in this family)
The 3 musketeers!
I didn't want to leave out the new baby cousin coming next month...if Nanny Kate lasts that long :-)
Granny singing to the girls. Madeline, I believe, is directing her.
Big News in the Green house:
Anna Kate FINALLY is growing teeth-3 teeth to be exact and 1 on the way.
She is almost 15 months!
Hooray! I thought I might have to get her some baby dentures.
She is covered in my lip gloss, the picture below does not show it that well.
I found her this morning in my make-up area. It's funny how mommy finds out that her child is growing up, literally, when weeks ago she could not reach into that drawer.
I could not get her to open her mouth for the teeth reveal
Congrats child, now you get your own tooth brush!
I love this! I know you guys are loving having the cousins so close to one another.