Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Memory moments...

Trimming the tree...

Playing games...Madeline and Anna Kate go back and forth on this table. They think it is so funny, as do I. They yell (aka talk) to each other. Little "memory moment" for me.

Dancing with daddy to a Christmas commercial, she could not understand why the music ended so quickly. So they danced with no music.  

Walking in the leaves in Ruston with mommy. I love how much our children love us at this age. I will have to remember this moment with Madeline's face a-glow with kisses from mommy when she is a teenager!

Hooray both the girls can entertain themselves!!! Great memory, but a bit sad because this just proves they grow up. My sister would like for me to say this, maybe it's time for one more...nah! Life is getting a little too easy for that :-)


  1. How sweet are they!!! I love how Madelyn helps her up! What a sweet big sister!

  2. Isn't so nice that they can play on their own? The close-up of Anna Kate and the one of you and Madeline are 2 of my favorites. Beautiful.
