Saturday, May 15, 2010

Congrats Grads!

So proud of our graduates!

Jason Thibodeax, B.A. D.D.S.
Aaron, his brother, Jason, me and my sweet cousin and good friend to J, Whitney Broussard, PhD (so proud of him too, graduated a year or so ago :-))
He is holding up his crisp, clean and oh so wonderful acceptance letter to Dental School!
So happy for you J, you definitely deserve it!
Mr and Miss J.D.!!!
Sye and Jackie both graduated from Law School.
You for sure have earned it! So excited for yall. 
The proud mama, my Godmother and Sye

The 3 Brothers
Whitney, Sye, Branton
Hello handsome men!

A Dentist, Attorney's, PhDs, geeze people please become more successful!

Makes me want to go back to work and use my BS and MS degrees.....
and miss my children everyday while they are stuck in daycare.....
and have no time with them or my husband.....
and be annoyed every time I had to pay the overpriced daycare for taking care of my children....
I will take living on a budget for awhile :-)
Gotta go my boss Anna Kate needs her yummilious diaper changed


  1. Wow! I am so impressed by all of them! Give them my congrats as well!

  2. Oh Jason!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for him! We love and miss him!
