Sunday, January 31, 2010


Project: Christmas Train before the mold starts growing

Nanny Kate & Madeline happily completed the "Christmas Gingerbread Train in January".
Madeline is still eating from it. I figured with swine flu and the stomach flu going around a little ol' candy can't hurt.
To be honest, the gingerbread train follows the fate of our lovely Christmas "2012 Gingerbread house" (click here for those pics). Those things are not that easy to make it look all on-the-picture-box pretty.
John Paul, Madeline and Anna Kate love the taste testing portion!

Project: Handmade Cards

Madeline's class is needing Valentine's exchange cards. Instead of buying the Disney Princess cards (or Garfield/ Snoopy cards,  in my day) I was in the mood to be creative and make handmade ones. I have construction paper, glue, a printer and google- to steal look up ideas! I can do this!
I told my hubby, Steven, usually women blog about their projects but I was not going there because I am not all Ms. Creative. Steven said "oh yeah, well, I'm still going to take pictures of the creative mood."
Don't worry people I made a my appointment to get my roots and the hair cut next week! Geeze!
With Madeline's "help" (handing objects to me) here are her 1st Valentine's Day cards for the classmates.
Actually this is not my favorite. Toward the end I started "getting it".

Project: Shopping with babies

Anna Kate loves to be pushed around in anything! Strollers, carts, you name it...look closely

..the wheels are a bit in distress! All the milk & carbs will get to you eventually child, learn that fact young! 


  1. I hope the wine "inspired" you a little too! They look great, you are a sweet mommy to make cards instead of buying them! (And you are crazy, I don't see any roots)

  2. Haha- you crack me up! The valentines are so cute! and great pics--your girls are so darn cute :)

  3. Be proud to post that craft project! They look great! Supercute.

  4. The wine made me brave! It was a late night but I had fun making them...I almost posted something about the almost empty wine glass but, I thought it spoke for itself :-)
